Part Compound/pt-br

Part Compound‏‎

Menu location
Part → Make compound
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
Part Fuse, Part CompoundFilter, Part ExplodeCompound


This command creates a compound of objects with a topological shape such as solid objects and other objects with faces and/or edges. It cannot handle meshes as they do not have a topological shape.


  1. Mark the topological shapes to be added to the compound in the tree view
  2. Choose Part → Compound → Make Compound entry in the Part menu or click on the button.


A compound containing pieces that intersect or touch is invalid for Boolean operations. Because of performance issues, checking if the pieces intersect is not done by default. Automatic geometry check (available for Boolean operations) is disabled for part compound as well.

To turn this check on go to Tools → Edit Parameters → Preferences... → Mod → Part → CheckGeometry → RunBOPCheck and set the parameter to true.